Optimize your operations with AI.

Meet your new AI Assistant! Convert leads, communicate with customers, create content, and scale your business.

Get back to leads like nobody’s business.

You can choose to have AI help write responses to texts, emails, and more. Save time, strike the right tone, and connect with your customers.

Always sound like yourself.

With Connect360’s conversational AI technology, you can upload text written by you or someone else, and the AI will learn the style. Readers won’t know the difference.

Send review invites automatically.

Use AI to write review invites and respond to reviews in half the time. Connect360 will help you build a remarkable online reputation that will get your business more organic traffic.

Create better content, and more of it.

Our philosophy? Don’t waste time and brainpower on things AI can do. Connect360 can write your social posts, campaigns, and other content for you. Using keywords and SEO analysis, it makes effective copywriting easy.

Ready to Scale Business?

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Referral Program

Our referral program doesn’t just pay you one time, it keeps paying you for the life of the referral. Fill out the Form Today and Start Earning!