Scale your entire franchise.

Connect360 aids franchise businesses in scaling by optimizing lead management and communications, offering a unified platform that ensures brand consistency and boosts customer engagement across all franchises.

Harmonize communications franchise-wide.

Gather all customer dialogues—texts, social messages, calls—into a single interface, streamlining interactions and maintaining a uniform brand voice.

Elevate franchise visibility and reviews.

Use automated text messaging to prompt reviews, improving your franchises’ search positions and attracting more customers. 

Streamline operations and marketing.

Facilitate franchise management with centralized data and communications, making effective local and national marketing campaigns possible.

Ready to Scale Business?

Start your free trial now to experience how our powerful software will help you achieve recruiting success!

Referral Program

Our referral program doesn’t just pay you one time, it keeps paying you for the life of the referral. Fill out the Form Today and Start Earning!